5 Ideas to Build a Routine to Promote REST

When you’re pursuing a passion, raising a family, working hard in your career, or studying to excel in school, rest is usually one of the first things in our lives that is sacrificed. When you have a lot of responsibilities, you can easily feel guilty when you finally decide to pause and slow down. This should not be the case. Rest is essential to our well-being and most of us have to be intentional about ensuring we rest well. Establishing a night routine can help improve the quality of your sleep and help you wind down from a busy day. Consider some of these suggestions below to build your own routine:

1. Put your phone on DND

Set a time when you are done communicating for the day. This includes all the notifications that pop up on your phone all day long. No email, no Slack, no social media pop-ups… just be done. It will all be there tomorrow! Our phones tend to be our biggest distraction to getting rest. Using the Do Not Disturb feature might help you actually get some sleep.

2. Shower/Bath Time & Skin Care

Cleanse yourself from the day and use that time to reflect or recover from the day’s happenings. This time improves your overall wellness and benefits your skin. Click here to read how you can upgrade your shower/bath time.

3. Create a Vibe

What do I mean by that? Brew your favorite tea, or pour your wine of choice.. play relaxing music… light a candle (I recommend our REST candles for your night routine)... and enjoy the vibes. 

4. Gratitude

Take time each day to acknowledge what you’re thankful for. Every single day… you might be surprised by how it can shift your mood and give you the peace that’s required for a good night’s rest. I suggest keeping a journal for this; but if you’re not into writing, simply thinking of what you’re thankful for or saying it out loud works too.

5. Prayer or Meditation

Talking to God is a great way to wrap up the day and ease into a time of rest. If you are not into prayer, meditation is another consideration. You can choose to focus on a scripture, an affirmation, a hope that you have, or thoughts/ideas that give you peace.

What is your night routine? Share your suggestions with us in the comment section!

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